Since 1864
Rutgers Crew

Dave Specca
After a great start to the Fall rowing even 8s, Rutgers got into a Varsity 8 lineup, 2 Varsity 4s made up of the 2V8 and a 3V8. Personnel changed some day to day in the various line ups as the coaches evaluated the oarsmen and coxswains. Many meters were rowed daily and lots of attention was paid to technical improvements.
On October 12th Rutgers started what was a successful fall head race season. The team traveled to Philadelphia to race in the Navy Day Regatta. Rutgers Raced a Varsity 8, 3rd Varsity 8 and two Varsity 4s. The highlight of the weekend was a good race from the Varsity 8 Finishing 11th out of 26. Result for Navy Day can be found here:;jsessionid=1mrklw5fch7jmp1xgdeon2wzq/schedule.jsp?regattaName=Navy+Day+Regatta®attaDate=2024-10-13#
The following weekend Rutgers traveled up to Boston for the Head of the Charles Regatta. The Head of the Charles is a huge regatta featuring all levels of rowing. Rutgers raced a Varsity 8 which placed 23 and a Varsity 4 which placed 35th. Results can be found here:
All boats preformed well and progress was made though the fall from race to race. The coaches are encouraged by the energy and development the team has made already this year.
Rutgers now looks forward to the Fall Scrimmage with Bucknell on November 2nd on the Raritan.