Since 1864
Rutgers Crew

Dave Specca
This past week the crew finished up finals and traveled to Cherry Hill NJ to race in the 84th Dad Vail Regatta. This was the first time the regatta had been held on the Cooper River but the Rutgers Crew's felt confident after a hard week of finals and training sessions. All four boats (Varsity 8, JV 8, Varsity 4 and Freshman/Novice 4) raced a time trial and advanced to semi-finals in the afternoon on Friday. After a few short hours on land the crews were back out on the water for Semi-Finals. The crews all rowed hard and well the JV and Varsity 8 advanced to the Petite Finals and the two 4s advanced to the 3rd level final. The next day the crews raced in their perspective finals. All crews rowed well and made Rutgers proud. The highlight of the weekend was the Varsity 8 event where the Rutgers Varsity made a big push in the last 250 meters to get their bow across the line in front of the field by only 3 tenths of a second. Well Rowed All!
For Full results from the weekend please visit this link or check out the livestream on YouTube.
This marks the end of the season for the lower boats, congratulations on a great season and we look forward to many more victories in your future years!
This weekend the Varsity 8 and 2nd Varsity 8 will be traveling to Oak Ridge Tennessee for race in the ACRA National Championship. Best of luck all crews
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